Marketing KMO Hosted an Online Career Fair in ovice

December 8, 2021
Company name
CMO Forum
Number of users
Company Profile / Industry
Key Points


“With ovice, attending your student’s program is no longer boring but instead an opportunity to actively interact with the business.”

CMO Forum

There is no denying that the pandemic has wreaked havoc over physical events in the last 2 years or so. Having things running online is certainly one of the ultimate solutions to keep programs ongoing but it is tough to realize that seeing each other through the “screen” is gradually making us distant. For the latter reason, CMO Career 2021 job fair chooses ovice as a spatial platform for an online career fair where event attendees can still meet and connect closer just like they do in real life.

The event organizing team created a layout concept where attendees can virtually travel from one cloud to the other.

What is CMO Forum?

CMO Forum is an open convention that meets the demands of globalizing, connecting, researching, and inspiring Vietnamese students to raise a passion for marketing.

From the perspective of students, CMO Forum provides for students with the knowledge and practical skills such as teamwork skills, management skills, and creative skills, having enough ability to work under high pressure, and having a responsibility in the different projects they work on.

Throughout these activities, the CMO forum will be always the connection between students and businesses.

The above description is taken from the CMO Forum’s official Facebook page with minor edits.


Facebook page: @cmoforum

An online career fair as a trip to the clouds

The event organizing team created a layout concept where attendees can virtually travel from one cloud to the other and even from one floor to the other through the virtual elevator created by ovice, to visit different company booths.

This made the virtual event space very navigable and explorative.

Each floor had a number of booths, one for each company, and each marketing representative delivered a presentation about their company’s values and gave necessary information about their recruitment and training program.

Online career fair activities

Layout images designed by CMO FORUM Design Board

The total number of attendees is 300 and despite the long event duration, the number of attendees didn’t drop throughout the whole event

The day ended on a tasty note as the participants enjoyed a traditional alsatian dinner together!

Feel like you’re out of your living room!

ovice Virtual space mimics a physical office/event space in experience and exceeds them in engagement. It allows people to create an easy-to-navigate, fully-branded virtual world. This includes animated objects with 2D avatars walking in and out of booths.

The fact that people co-exist in a virtual setting where they can find the same elements they see in a real venue makes it familiar and natural for them to interact (e.g if someone finds an empty seat, they would intuitively go and sit on it and if there’s someone sitting next to them, they will most definitely say “Hi”).

Furthermore, it even has video greetings and introductory resources that the company representatives have placed down to make their booth more attractive. This lets companies humanize their brand image and connect with audiences.

“With ovice, attending your student’s program is no longer boring but instead an opportunity to actively interact with the business.”

Online career fair activities

This is an example booth of PMAX company, it includes:

• The company introduction video (embedded inside a picket object).
• Website, Facebook, LinkedIn links (when people click on the icon, they go to the respective tab).
• A Q&A box is embedded inside a picket so when people click on it, they can add their questions so the hosts can over it later on.
• An embedded link to the trainee program.
• One-on-one consultations to understand more about the organization and each job position.
• A Help desk, for anyone wanting to know more about the company.

The dynamic atmosphere is certainly a huge element that made the event fun and engaging.

Career fair activities

1. During the opening ceremony, the main host went over the event program and they included advertising videos of each company participating in the job fair. There were also Talk&Share speakers who shared their expertise working in the marketing industry to help and inspire the students.

2. Everyone moved to the other floors to explore the different booths and watch the companies’ presentations.

3. There were many games, so people can also have fun together.

4. There was someone doing tarot reading inside a private room and some other people were even doing Karaoke on the first floor during break time.

Career Fair with big and small businesses in Vietnam is huge a milestone marking 2⁄3 of the CMO Career 2021.

A big shout out to everyone who made this event possible and gave the students an opportunity to come to the Talk&Share at CMO CAREER 2021 and learn more about marketing and development!

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